Sunday, April 02, 2006

April 2nd

Day three without a PaD.  Feels a bit strange not working on a shot every day, but I am enjoying the time with my family.  My goal is to build my families bond. 

A quote I heard today:
"Take a twig from the backyard and see if you can break it...of course you take a bundle of twigs and try to break can't and if you could it would be exceedingly hard to break...that is family."

Family should be hard to break up and I am going to make sure mine is strong enough to hold through anything.

I am taking pictures of the puppies tomorrow.  Their eyes are all open and they are so funny because they are trying to walk around and can't seem to get their balance so they roll cute. 

Thanks everyone for your support and friendship during this tough days I have encountered.  Not sure what I would have done without all of you.  Love you all!!!


Blogger hersh said...

Hey sonifo will miss and love your work to me you are the best in the world. Hope to see on buzznet sometime......

2:25 AM  

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