April 14th
Zachery got his drivers permit today. woohooo!!! Time to scare the crap out of mom and give her more gray hair. This is him behind the wheel of my suburban. Scary!
OK, let's keep our eyes on the road, shall we!
My favorite backseat driver. He was giving Zachery the hardest time while driving... "The speed limit is 30 not 10, Zachery. Don't slam on the breaks. You could have taken the corner a little faster." ROFL!!!! This is the grin after one of his comments. Gotta love these kids!.
Awww, such great kids, but, i will warn the wy dept of tourism about the new driver!!! :-)
Oh my gosh, he looks so young to be driving! Around here you have to be 16 although when I was a teenager you had to be 17.
Ahh, yes... learning to drive! Such a great coming of age learning ritual, for both the kid and the parent!
Only two more kids to to learn how to drive! ;)
Oh boy look out Mom!!!!!!he he.....
Darling, it is only the 17th today, I think you are getting a little ahead of yourself and I think he is too. Don't worry (yea right) he will be fine.
I still can't believe my daughter is 19 and driving as well. Next thing you know he will be married and you will have grand kids. Oh wait I think I am getting ahead of myself now. Hang in there mom.
Those will be nice shots to have for the family :-) I learned how to drive in a Suburban too! I remember my dad made me spend about two hours learning how to parallel park in that thing....now everywhere I go, I can parallel park! Best of luck to the new driver!!
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